sábado, septiembre 02, 2006

Irán y la IAEA

Para quien le interese y sepa un poco sobre programas nucleares, este es el último informe de la IAEA (PDF) sobre el programa nuclear de Irán.

Regime Change in Iran lo resume así:
The IAEA report details the progress that Iran has achieved, noting the continued testing of P-1 centrifuges with UF6 and the installation of a second 164-centrifuge cascade. It also details Iran's continued stonewalling and lack of cooperation with the IAEA. According to the report, Iran has not made any new information available on their P-1 and P-2 centrifuge programs. Iran has not provided a copy of a 15-page document describing procedures for the reduction of UF6 to uranium metal, which is critical to understanding the full scope of offers made by 'foreign intermediaries.' Iran has not been forthcoming with clarification on is plutonium separation experiments. Iran has not issued multiple entry visas to weapons inspectors on time. Iran refuses to discuss Project Green Salt, address verification and transparency issues, suspend enrichment related activities or act in accordance with the Additional Protocol. As a result, the IAEA still cannot make a determination as to the nature of the Iranian nuclear program.

Oficiales militares estadoudinenses creen que Irán está de 5 a 8 años para obtener una bomba nuclear.

Creo que ya lo he mencionado alguna vez, la gente debe entender que la amenaza no es tanto el propio programa nuclear iraní, sino todo el régimen islámico radical actual, por tanto no bastará con deshacerse con la amenaza del programa nuclear, sino que hace falta acabar con el régimen entero.

Este es el programa político de Ahmadinejad:

Todo el mundo habla de una guerra, pero los más expertos en el tema están mirando otras vías. Es posible, si la Comunidad Internacional y EEUU se esfuerzan más, de que planeen un cambio de régimen por parte del propio pueblo iraní. Si llegase el momento, fuerzas armadas internacionales podrían ayudar, pero dejando la mayor parte en manos del pueblo iraní.
Con respecto a esto, merece dar importancia a unas recientes declaraciones de Newt Gingrich (posible candidato republicano a las elecciones presidenciales americanas del 2008) al respecto:
"I am opposed to a military strike on Iran because I don't think it accomplishes very much in the long run," said Mr. Gingrich, who supported the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and has been a strong defender of Israel.
"I think if this regime [in Iran] is so dangerous that we can't afford to let them have nuclear weapons, we need a strategy to replace the regime,"


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