martes, abril 12, 2005

"George W Bush is the worst liar in the world!"

Unos valientes franceses se fueron a una manifestación pacifista y a uno no se le ocurrió nada mejor que decir lo siguiente:
"George W Bush is the worst politician in the world!" I started, borrowing a page from Winston's book. (Cheers, applause)

"George W Bush is the worst liar in the world!" (cheers, applause) "With the EXCEPTION of all the rest!" (perplexed silence)

"Saddam Hussein was a worse liar than Bush! The people who said that the UN could, and would, solve the entire Iraqi mess were worse liars than Bush! The people who claim that the 'peace members' motives were benevolent were worse liars than Bush! The people who said that Iraq was better off than before the war were worse liars than Bush!"
Estos chicos de Protest Warrior dan mucha guerra.


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