sábado, abril 23, 2005

Constantemente hay conflictos internos en Irán

Pero los medios no dicen nada, ayer mismo hubo una batalla entre residentes y fuerzas de sguridad del gobierno en Ahwaz, Kut Abdullah, Kian y Khashayar. Como voy informando, estos conflictos no se producen pocas veces, sino que ocurren con frecuencia, en los últimos días han tenido lugar varias batallas en las que murieron docenas de personas y hubieron cientos de heridos y arrestados. Via este post de Regime Change in Iran:
Ahwaz, near to the Iraqi border, has a largely Arab population that has faced harsh repression under clerical rule. On Friday, anti-government protests again erupted in Ahwaz after SSF units were dispatched to quiet 3,000 residents demonstrating over government plans to redefine the ethnic makeup of the province.

The demonstrators looted several government buildings, police stations and set fire to the Agriculture Bank. After the SSF opened up with weapons on the demonstrators at least 300 people were reported injured.

This was the sixth consecutive day of unrest in Ahwaz despite the heavy presence of various security forces, Revolutionary Guards, and officials of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, who have been arresting anyone suspected of starting demonstrations. Ahwaz was placed under a de facto martial law after demonstrators killed a number of SSF agents.

Los medios hablan mucho del tema nuclear, pero omiten TOTALMENTE hechos significativos que ocurren en Irán. El porqué, es probable que lo sepamos en un futuro no muy lejano.


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