viernes, marzo 25, 2005

Mohammed de Iraq The Model

sobre el aniversario del inicio de la guerra, al igual que otro blogger iraquí que ya
These days we're living the 2nd anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom, an occasion that is very dear to my heart and the hearts of all freedom loving people all over the world.
This operation is still controversial to many people some are with and some are against it and many people still question the legal and ethical basis of this operation which continues to be a source for many visions regarding its future positive and negative effects on the region and the rest of the world.
It is ironic that many cities in the world witnessed "Anti-War" demonstrations while in Iraq, the people were demonstrating against Arab countries interfering with the internal affairs of Iraq.
Menciona las manifestaciones que tuvieron lugar por todo el mundo, y resalta el hecho que mientras nuestros "pacifistas" estén manifestándose contra la guerra, en Irak, la gente se manifestaba contra otros países árabes que interfieren en los asuntos de Irak. También recogía lo mismo Chrenkoff hace poco:
While throughout major cities of Western world crowds - albeit much diminished since three or two years ago - have turned up over the weekend for anti-democracy rallies to protest the second anniversary of the start of the liberation of Iraq, one region of the world remained strangely unaffected by the "anti-war" and "anti-occupation" fervor: the notorious "Arab street" has failed to join the "European street" and the "American street" in condemning yet again Chimpy Bushhitler and his imperialist policies.

Everywhere else, the second anniversary of invasion did not incite much public excitement - possibly because the local residents were too busy rallying against terrorism and theocracy, and for freedom, democracy and human rights.
Mohammed menciona también sus pensamientos sobre la legalidad internacional:
One look at Darfur can make me feel sick of all what's being said about "law and legitimacy".
More that 100 000 human beings got killed in less than one month and no one dares even to say that the murderers shall be punished.
What law and what legitimacy are they talking about!!?
What kind of ethics stands behind this?

¿Dónde están los pacifistas y las manifestaciones cuando realmente hacen falta?


Blogger Maggie said...

Aquí quedaría estupenda la famosa viñeta de Cox & Forkum del pacifista abrazado al musulmán.

2:31 p. m.  

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