jueves, junio 16, 2005

Se acercan las elecciones presidenciales en Irán

Y ya empiezan a haber disturbios en distintas zonas:
Clashes rocked, this evening, several areas of the Iranian Capital as demonstrators were attacked by Islamic regime forces.

Several areas, such as, "vali e Asr", Rey, Zafar and the nearby Park e Mellat, Eslamshahr, Haft Hose, Rassol and Tajrish were affected.

Slogans against the Islamic regime and its leadership were shouted by demonstrators who retaliated to the regime's use of clubs and tear gas by throwing pieces of stone and incendiary devices.

Iraníes residentes en Canadá también animan a sus compatriotas a boicotear las elecciones presidenciales:
We Pro democracy Iranian in Canada invite everyone to attend this protest and support the Iranian freedom movement.
This protest will be front of the Islamic Republic embassy, 254 Metcalfe Street from June 15th to June 18th from 10 AM- 2 PM in Ottawa, Canada in order to support the demand of millions of Iranians for freedom, and condemn the rigged elections of the despotic Islamic republic.

A continuación reproduzco integramente un comunicado público de "The Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran" por su importancia:
We will reveal the election show of the regime to obtain freedom
Jun 15, 2005, 23:44

Noble and Free People of Iran,

One more time, the ridiculous and useless show, named the presidential election of the Islamic republic is on the way. The leaders of the ideological-theocratic regime, who more then ever find themselves in the abyss of fall and overthrowing of the entire unlawful and despotic regime, trying to take some of our unaware or under pressure citizens to the poll booth, with new deceits, which the result will be nothing but the continuation of crimes, injustice, inequality, more suffering, public hopelessness and specially the continuation of plundering and pillaging the national resources.

Yes, eight years ago in such days, the main part of those who could vote, especially the women and youth, went to the show polls of already appointed. They, in their beliefs, were willing to vote for “ a bad less than worse”, perhaps with less pay, causing better situations and resulting the transformation of the Mullah dogmatic regime. At that time these people were unaware of this basic, that the Islamic republic regime for its basis on reactionary-fascism reflection and the nature of Mafia – oligarchic, has no merit of basic reform. They did not know that the designers of that fallacious puppet – show, have no other purpose, but the continuation and preserving of their shameful political existence, under the contradictory and contain-less banner of “ Religious Leadership of People”.

The result of this historical mistake was nothing but the wave of riding a sector of reactionary of the clerics and old fashion technocrats with a mask called “reformism”, on the wave of the desires and natural inclinations of the oppressed and deprived people of Iran. Execution and murdering of freedom – lovers; exercising the mediaeval ages punishments; incarceration of journalists and closing the news papers; physical suppression and imprisoning the students; vanquishing the protesting movements including laborers, farmers, teachers and nurses; beating boys and girls; advancement of prostitution, addiction and social and administrative corruption; falling the cash value of Rial and the country economy; unemployment and ever-increasing inflation; irrational privatization of major industries in the form of business for the profits of sons or daughters of Akhoonds (aghazadeha); blackmail-like and shameful foreign contracts that are at the same level of disgraceful Tourkamanchi and Golestan contracts during Ghajars (dynasty preceding the Pahlavi Dynasty); embezzling the national resources; bestowing the major part of Iran share in Caspian Sea, are just part of the shameful and bloody report card of the wing called 2nd of Khordad and their devoted and inefficient symbol of them Mohammad Khatami.

But, by spreading the age of digital technology and public communication, a big part of those voters in the first round, quickly found out that the result of their __expression does not have any effect in their destiny. Yes, after four years and base on the official statistics, millions of them did not participate in the re-election of the president of the Islamic republic and causing disgracing the regime and informing the World of the ever growing gap between people and the government.

It is important to say, that in those days almost the public consternation and perplexity even have been taken over part of inside and outside classic oppositions and intellectuals, only a few intellectual and modernist groups like "Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran" (SMCCDI) and “National-Secular Party of Iran” were those who in their repeated analytic articles or in their statements, pointing out the necessary alarms about the dark torments of this religious charlatanism and opportunistic behavior of those of low-determination regime oppositions.

Intellectual students, laborers and champion hard-workers, government employees and people’s disciplinary forces, daring and champion women of Iran,

Now, after eight years of demagogy, the Islamic republic regime, for the pressure by the people and international, has been so despised and despicable that forced to bring out their main piece of their puppet-show marionette on the stage, perhaps some of the foreign governments continue reciting and condescension with a unmixed regime in hope of keeping illegal interests. What a futile dream!

Parts of the recent speech by Secretary of State about the flimsiness of election in Iran, and siding some of the European countries with The United States towards the Islamic regime, all are indicating the aggravation of pressure and revealing the regime main essence; and absence of the people at the poll booths, showing the right choice of the people in connection with the generality of Islamic republic.

No doubt, in all these equations, the protagonist and predestined role is played by a nation who, like before, with none participation in the variety of games by the regime and turn back to them, has dropped RafsanJani to the 30th in Tehran representatives and has slapped in the face of both factions of the regime! The oppressed youth and women of Iran never forget the savagery and decisiveness of the all factions of this people oppressor regime! Officers (Sardaran) and resigned founders of Sepah, The inefficient secretaries of 2nd of Khordad or other discharged men of the regime, never been accepted and been popular among the conscious people and never will be! Not the artificial and unreal productions but with very fast transient, not racial distinctions, not malingering to nationalism, not political bombings, and not the west approval shows of hired girls with make-up will necessarily prevent the fall of the anti-people and in-human regime!

Now, more than ever, this independent committee, which is the pioneer and promoter of the basic reflections of the “Iran Third Force, and organizer of the civil disobedience for years, stresses that after the attainment of the ideal of total abolition of Islamic republic, the free people of Iran must be able to select directly the type of their desired secular-democratic political system, in a free public election, and after that establishing a parliament for compilation of a constitution base on the transparent will of the people. It is obvious that going with the element of secularism, which does not have any contradiction with religion and the private beliefs of people, protecting the entirety of Land of Iran and observance of the national resources with respect to the purport of Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be another pillar of future Iran!

In this way, on June 17th, the Great and Freedom-lover People of Iran are going to add another honor and golden page to their fight and disobedient report card towards sending the Islamic republic into the dustbin of history, by staying at home and specially not participating in this last ridiculous election show.

Long Live Freedom!

Long Live Secularism!

Long Live Democracy!

Tehran, June 15, 2005 (25th Khordad 1384)

The "Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran"

Habréis notado que últimamente no posteo tanto como antes, es que tengo poco tiempo. Al ser mañana un día importante para Irán. Recomiendo a todos los interesados que se pasen por Regime Change in Iran, Free thoughts y por el foro de discusión de Free Iran que seguramente estará movidito mañana.


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